A Solution of Combined Disjoint Block Fuzzy Cognitive Maps under the Decision Mathematical Approach
Fuzzy optimization is a branch of mathematical optimization that utilizes fuzzy set theory to tackle uncertainty, imprecision, and vagueness in decision-making processes. Unlike traditional optimization, which relies on precise data, fuzzy optimization accommodates the ambiguous data typical in complex real-world scenarios, such as in engineering and finance. Through fuzzy sets, decision variables and constraints are represented by degrees of membership instead of fixed values, allowing a broader range of feasible solutions. This approach supports linear and nonlinear programming, making it a versatile tool in fields where incomplete data and fluctuating conditions prevail. Consequently, fuzzy optimization has become essential for solving complex, real-world problems characterized by uncertainty, offering robust, adaptable methodologies for both theoretical and applied optimization. Separately, a fuzzy mathematical approach has been applied to analyze transgender issues in Tamil Nadu using a combined disjoint block fuzzy cognitive map. This method, based on the fuzzy cognitive map concept by Kandasamy and Smarandache [1], organizes and analyzes social problems by grouping concepts in large numbers. The study is structured into four sections: solutions to transgender issues, background on the combined disjoint block FCM, analysis of hidden patterns in transgender issues, and conclusions and recommendations based on the findings.
FCMs, Combined disjoint block FCMs, Fixed point, Hidden pattern, Unsupervised trans-genders, Decision making and optimizationReferences
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