The Study of Working Patterns in the Gig Economy


  • YEN-FEN LO * Dept. Business Administration, Shih Chien University
  • Kun-Lin, Hsieh


The economy and technology have changed normal work modes in recent years. A new gig economy has been catalyzed, and job opportunities have increased rapidly. Some constant entrepreneurs take advantage of the gig economy and the characteristics of the sharing platform to create new business models. More and more workers want to earn income while achieving a better quality of life and thus become gig economy workers. In 2016, McKinsey Global Institute presented the first study related to the gig economy, which showed that workers in the gig economy are slightly more satisfied than those in traditional employment. Therefore, the purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to explore the factors affecting job satisfaction in the gig economy; (2) to explore the applicability of the Job Characteristics Model (JCM) in the gig economy; and (3) to explore the effects of the job patterns affecting the gig economy on job satisfaction. The study used a quantitative questionnaire to examine the impact of the JCM on job satisfaction. This study was conducted using a quantitative questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was divided into four parts: demographic variables, job characteristic models, job patterns in the gig economy, and job satisfaction. Regression analyses were conducted to verify the effects of job-distinct models and job patterns on the gig economy. The study results showed that the JCM theory is generally applied to the gig economy. Still, the effect of "task importance" on "job satisfaction" was not significant. In the gig economy, "substitutability" and "uncertainty" have substantial adverse effects on "job satisfaction," while "flexibility" and "degree of freedom" have significant positive impacts on "job satisfaction."


Gig economy‎, Job characteristic model, Job pattern, Motivation potential index, Job satisfaction


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How to Cite

The Study of Working Patterns in the Gig Economy. (2024). Management Analytics and Social Insights, 1(1), 70-87.

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